This space is connected to the history of nonconformism in St. Petersburg since it uses the architecture and aesthetics of the "Culture Houses" that used to host nonconformist exhibitions in the 1970s and 1980s.
How to tell generations Y and Z about nonconformism?
Dictionary of nonconformism
The project consists of 5 video interviews. All of the interviewees are eyewitnesses and participants of the processes that took place in the art of Leningrad–St.Petersburg in the late 80s, 90s and 00s. They are Marina Kaverzina, Marina Koldobskaya, Olesya Turkina, Ira Aktuganova, Dmitry Pilikin.
The general theme around my work is architecture and sound- visualizing sound architecturally or structurally, giving structure to sound. And lately, I haven't been using actual sound in the work but I'm trying to come up with the ideas or visual concepts that allude to sound without having sound.
Thoughts on Non-Conformity
The project consists of 6 drawings, looped in the timelapse format, the sounds of a working washing machine, iron, floor cleaning and washing dishes. This Dadaist symphony of machines immerses into the real world of the artist's life.
These works are informed by the trajectory and migration of the long 20th-century space race to the present and future. The train of thought that is referred to as Russian Cosmism, threads the ideas and concepts in my work together, and is based on space exploration, science fiction and Suprematism.
Locations photographed by Yevgeniy Fiks in Washington-Moscow (Security Risk Diptychs) had been popular gay cruising sites in Moscow and Washington circa 1930s—1950s. Views of Moscow and those of Washington are paired based on formal visual similarity.
I think that you shouldn't be aggressive about new technologies until they encroach on pure authorship. It seems to me that it will be fatal if the process of creating a work is fully implemented by artificial intelligence. It is then that we can lose the meaning of the creative act for a person. But I believe in the synergy of technology and spirit.
The project that I proposed for the virtual residency Nonconform is connected just with visiting the workshops, but only in virtual form. According to the idea, everyone will be able to visit the places where the artists work and dive into this atmosphere that exists between the creator and his works.
Spirit is a space for the Freedom
In this project, the audio spectrum interacts with generative graphics. Visually it resembles digital threads, created and modified by an audio signal, broadcasting the data that we transmit online.